Hey folks here are pictures of some recent work! Yup that's right I actually have real pictures for your viewing pleasure. I have to say that I'm very pleased with my most recent pots, I'm finally gaining good control of the clay and getting forms that I really want, it has been very annoying working hard to create mediocre work, but I suppose that is to be expected while learning a new medium. Just recently I have been getting good and reliable glazes, which is wonderful, there's nothing worse than destroying a good form with a bad glaze. It's part of the joy of ceramic work, you have plenty of opportunity to ruin a good piece.
Overall picof the last load! My glazes are just coming out so nice. The red interior with a white exterior is my current "go to" glaze, it's reliable, cheap-ish, and beautiful! I'm able to squeeze about 25+ pots into my little J X-18 Econo kiln.
The three larger bowls in this pic were the only experimental glazes in the load and I'm so happy with them. The green needs a slightly heavier application, or possibly sprayed to even it out, but I think it really works with the speckle. The red is awesome, it almost looks like SHINO, I can't wait to do some more of these. The backs of these pots are especially nice, but I'll save that story for the another post since I don't have pics yet.

Tree vases with shiny white exterior and blue and red interiors. I love carving these trees, it's just a whole lot of fun and the results are better than my expectations! These range from 6-7.5 inches tall and are among my tallest work so far, I want to take this form up to 12" and offer it in 3 sizes with an option of either interior color . I used 3-4 pounds of standard brown speckle clay, it moves really well and stands up nicely. The different "leaf" patterns are fun to play with, there are never ending options. Some of these will be available in my etsy shop soon!!
Tree vases with a matte white exterior. These are a couple of my best trees,
but I think I prefer the gloss white. That said I'll be revisiting the matte in my next glaze load, probably a
lighter spray coat instead of the poured application shown here.
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