Thursday, January 26, 2012


Here are a couple of pictures of the greenware that didn't get fired this past year. Unfortunately my studio is to cold to use over the winter so this work will have to wait until spring. The pieces were very dry before any freezing came along so they should be alright. Hey didn't I just mention in my last post that it was un lucky to take pictures of work prior to fireing?
 You can see the replacement elephant sugar bowl that I mentioned in the last post, I'm thrilled with the way it came out, but I still haven't decided whether or not to cut a spoon notch in the lid so I still have a good opportunity to break it.

I am planning on building a studio this year at my home, one that will hopefully be usable year round, the old concrete building I'm in now is impossible to heat in the winter. I had some bad glaze problems last year trying to glaze when it was too cold and the kiln temperature dropped way to quick after the fireing.

Well that's all for now, I have some more pics to share soon, but I'll break them into a few posts so that it looks like I'm an active potter.

Thank you for reading - -

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